The latest beta build showed us some Hunter glyphs, and they do look promising.
Read all about them
here.It looks like a fairly logical list, given Blizzard's usual habits. There are some Glyphs that will be good for PvP, some that will be good for PvE, and some that will never be used.
Take this Glyph, for example:
Glyph of Aspect of the Beast - Increases the attack power bonus of Aspect of the Beast for you and your pet by an additional 2%.In order to make GoAoTB (cough) something worth taking, Aspect of the Beast has to be worth using. Whether or not that's true is really an open question at this point - do Hunters really want to try to change aspects whenever they happen to run into melee range? The only time I use Aspect of the Monkey (admittedly less useful, though very funny against Ret Paladins) is when I'm certain long ahead of time that I won't be able to get many shots off - towers in AV, for example.
Blizzard likes to tune up spells and abilities that people don't use, and that's laudable, but the community is pretty clever - they can smell impracticality from a mile off. Some of the Hunter changes are definitely setting off alarms for me.
In any case, there are still a few glyphs I'd like to see.
Glyph of Rogue-Hunting: Increases your stealth detection and the radius of your Flare spell. I thought of this as a joke, but this actually sounds like a pretty reasonable glyph for PvP...
Glyph of Epeen: Whenever you are at the top of either damage meters or BG leaderboards, your RAP is increased by 13.37%. This one's for BRK, who
also has a Hunter-Glyph wishlist.Glyph of EZmode: Targets soloed by your pet are counted as your kills. I would have this Glyph on during questing and grinding, no exceptions.