Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Yay Gruul kill! Sigh Mag fail.

After a few weeks struggling with the T4 25-mans, we went in and one-shotted Gruul's Lair today. Excitement!

Here's the damage report from that fight - I'm #6.

Magtheridon took some extra time... a few wipes were caused by cube-clicking problems, but we did get him eventually.

Here's Magtheridon - I'm #5 on that one thanks to the #6 DPSer being on cubes.

I came out with the Tier 4 Shoulders and Terror Pit Girdle. I had to beg a bit for Terror Pit Girdle, but I'll be humble for the chance at a hard-to-get Hunter belt drop.

Tomorrow, Karazhan.

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